
Oh Life...

Ay dios mio! Now that I am back in Granada, the craziness that was our trip to Germany has finally started to settle in. The pictures are up, so have a look-see, but beware, chaos ensues.

I was so so SO glad to return to Granada, even if the weather has cooled considerably since I left. At least it is still sunny and NOT rainy and cold (and here’s to hoping it stays that way!!) The only way I can possibly describe our adventures in Germany would be to tell them to imagine the craziest movie they’ve ever seen of a group of people traveling, and all of the ridiculous, crazy things that happen to them, unfortunate occurrences, etc. that all seem like they’re blowing things out of proportion, and don’t actually happen in real life: and then believe that Sara, Joanie, Susanne, and I lived it during this past week. I don’t think I will ever be the same again. Nor do I think that I need to be working on my FO at all anymore. I definitely got my flexibility on, and couldn’t turn it off, otherwise I would have snapped.

And trust me, I almost did. Though I think that mostly had to do with my being sick. Speaking of my tonsils…they magically are better, and I feel back to normal. How odd. Maybe it really was just the climate change, and the cold that was throwing me off. Who knows. Anything is possible.

We had our first “week” (meaning two days) of classes…and I absolutely love both my POE (writing and speaking), and Literatura de Siglo XX classes, but I am not so happy with my Civilizacion y Cultura Hispanoamericana class at all. I literally zoned out for the entire 2 hours, and really didn’t miss anything. Ah well.

My grammar class wasn't so bad today either. The professor reminds me a lot of a spanish version of Adam Sandler. And Joanie is in my class, so its nice to know someone for once. And I am not sure how my Islam class will be, but we shall see I guess, huh?

We finally booked tickets to go to Prague today. To be honest, I wasn’t so happy because instead of going Thursday-Sunday like I wanted, we have to go Friday-Monday so the tickets aren’t so expensive. They were 290 USD round-trip, which isn’t so bad I suppose, but I am kind of upset I need to miss classes. I am excited, though, because now our group has expanded to Sara and Chase too, along with me and Peter.

We are still on the lookout for tickets to Paris in November to meet Hallie and Brettsky, and maybe Annie will come if she wants to come too (YES PLEASE!!), and I know Sara wanted to come just to go to Paris and meet my friends, and Ana may just be flying with us because she just wants to go to France, and Chase wants to go to France too, and wants to go to London during the same trip. Madre mia! So much travel.

I am leaving to go on my Morocco trip tonight! Huzzah! We are taking the bus to Algeciras, and spending the night there since we have to meet up with the program at eight in the morning to take the boat across the Straight of Gibraltar to Tangier. I really cannot wait! It is going to be yet another experience of a lifetime. I will be sure to document accordingly (remember! Look at my photos from Germany—I split up the albums for easier perusing!) and post when I return. Never fear, I will not be gone long!

Oh life. What a hoot.

Much love,


1 comment:

Anne said...

I need to know WHEN you're going because I am booked for three of the weekends in November already so you have to TELL me when you're going to Paris!!