
Happy Halloween from across the pond!

Hello hello.

I figured I would give you a regular update of how things are going. It's currently pouring rain--for somewhere that is supposed to be dry and desert-like, it sure is raining a lot lately!

We filled out our midterm program evaluations yesterday. We had to tell them what we thought about all of our teachers, and our host families. It was weird doing that for my host family because, even though I like them a lot, we do always get the same rotation of meals, and we even had this disgusting meal of thin sliced, raw ham and melon.

That's it.

The ham was so incredibly salty...it was awful! And my senora kept telling us to eat it with the melon, but that just made it taste worse! Yuck, yuck, yuck. I could really live without that meal ever again. That, and the gross cabbage and almond soup she makes far too often.

And I decided this morning that I hate weekend breakfasts because by then we are always out of the normal, delicious toast bread (which is like baguette bread, not the square kind at home), and instead I get these little cake things. It is just far too sweet to eat in the morning.

BUT! Enrique called Allison and I his "hijas de America" when his son popped in the other day, and it made me smile. I like it because, even though at first my host family seemed really stiff, and a lot of times Isabel seemed like she was scolding us, they are warming up a lot more. Isabel is just a spunky 75 year old woman, and she really never was doing any scolding. I honestly hope I have have that much life in me still when I am her age. That would be amazing.

It's not so scary to try to communicate with them either anymore. They're really patient, and do correct us if we make mistakes, which is helpful.

It's hard to believe we are already half way through the semester. I only have a month and a half left here. How did this happen?? Where did the time go?

I will never know.

I am so happy because I got mail from my parents AND a card from Stephanie! Brooke also said she sent me a letter!! Hooray!

My trip to Paris is slowly approaching...I am super excited to see Brett and Hallie (for the second time!!!).

I really wish it would stop raining. But alas!

I watched Barack Obama's 30 minute infomercial yesterday, and for real guys, it made me tear up. I want him to be president so, so badly that I cannot even understand how anyone could not think that he would be the best decision for our nation's future. Mairead really pinpointed my sentiment in her blog, and you can go read it here. If McCain is elected, I will never forgive the American public. Never.

And you have my word on that.

The number of un-sent, un-opened absentee ballots sitting in the mailboxes here upsets me. But what can you do? American's are notoriously politically apathetic.

In other news--I have gotten some major gift shopping out of the way! I only have 3 or 4 people left, which considering the list, is quite impressive! Hooray hurrah!

I better get a move on. Hasta pronto.


Prague, how I love you...

So this weekend, I traveled to Prague with Peter, Chase, and Chris, and met up with Hallie and her friends a couple times, and Justin even graced us with his presence! And can I just say, that city is absolutely amazing! Its probably one of the most beautiful places I have ever been, and I am sure that when I return to the United States, I will look at the industrial-look of Chicago, and be like "ew, gross" no matter how much I love the city. It just isn't the same. It was wonderful, yet cold, AND NO RAIN FOLLOWED ME!

I am putting pictures up as we speak, if you don't believe me. :)

The first night we were there, we went to the hostel that Justin suggested, and lo and behold, there were no rooms available for us, and Peter had not made any sort of reservation, and I thought to myself, "Oh God...not a repeat of Germany, please!!" But the man at the desk called another hostel for us, and we ended up staying at a pretty cheap place, that was actually really, really nice. We met up with Hallie and her friends Stephanie (who goes to Bradley too) on Charles Bridge, and then just went to a bar and hung out for awhile.

The next day, the boys and I attempted to go to the Jewish cemetery (not realizing that DUH it would be closed on Saturday) and then proceeded to walk around Old Town, and then hiked up to Praha Hrad (or Prague Castle). We were highly disappointed in the fact that the castle itself was closed for 3 days (and we were only going to be there for 3 days!!) and the Powder Tower was closed too somehow, so our little visit was not only short, but also highly unsatisfying for the amount of money we had to pay to get in.

After that, we walked around a bit more, headed back to the hostel, siesta'd, and then went bar hopping again, where I stole yet another beer stein (huzzah!!) and then we called it a night.

Sunday we hopped on the train and headed to Karlstejn castle, which was about 45 minutes outside of the city. Oh my goodness, this castle was amazing, as well as the countryside surrounding it. We weren't allowed to take photos inside the castle, but the grounds were beautiful! When we got back, we went to try to go to the Jewish Cemetery again, but alas! They were closing in 20 minutes. Just our luck. So we went back to the hostel, napped, and then proceeded to eat Chinese Food for the second night in a row. It was delicious, if you must know.

We were on our way to meet Hallie in Old Town Square, when we heard some whistling at us. My reaction, thanks to Spanish men, is to avoid at all costs, but when Peter looked over, Justin was sitting on the curb, waiting for us! I guess he got bumped from his plane so he couldn't meet us the day before like he had originally planned, and yet we somehow found him! It was incredible.

Then we all met up with Hallie and the people from her program, and went to this jazz club. After that, we smuggled Justin and his ENORMOUS backpack into our hostel, and then conked out. In the morning, we tried ONE LAST TIME to get into the Jewish Cemetery (thinking it would only cost 40 crowns)...but it cost over 200 crowns, so we called it a day, and wandered and shopped instead.

Then came the next 13 hours of traveling on metro, bus, and plane for, uh...13 hours. It was gross, and we got home at 12:30 in the morning, but it was definitely worth it.

I finally voted and I am so excited for the election oh my goodness! And I got two letter from my padres, and a package of goodies! Hooray! So all you people who said you would write...hop to it!! :)

I need to go read and go to my Tutorial. I love you all!

Hasta pronto,



More photos added (surprise surprise) and how about a monsoon to help your day along?

Hello hello!!

I am currently taking refuge inside the school, thank goodness. Mother Nature totally just decided to overturn her bathtub all over Granada. And I would've been caught right in the middle of it had I not decided to walk to the school 2 hours before my next class starts.

I just added more photos from this weekend. There are quite a few, as always. I just need to add captions as then I will be all set.

This weekend I am going to Prague with Peter, Chase and Chris. Sara didn't get her ticket in time, so now its $400 instead of $290...I am kind of disappointed, but hey, that's life I guess.

Wow, its taking me too long to post this, and I am sorry there is not much substance, but I will try again later!


Tra la la

I love not having classes on Fridays! I got to sleep in, go to the park and read after breakfast, and now I am here writing you all of you lovely people. :)

Half of my group is visiting the Alhambra right now. Tomorrow we go to Ronda and take an all-day walking tour. I am kind of excited because I have heard that it is absolutely wonderful. I will have lots of photos to put up I am sure. Then Sunday, I get to go to the Alhambra. I cannot wait!!

Speaking of pictures--I walked around with Chase yesterday and took a whole bunch of pictures of some really incredible graffiti art that is near and in one of the parks. I know, so specific. But I forgot to put them on my computer before I came here...so they cannot go up now. Ah well.

It is BEAUTIFUL outside. I really want to go to El Parque de las Ciencias this afternoon, since apparently I will be in Paris (by hook or by crook!!) the weekend my program is supposed to go. We shall see I guess.

I better head back to my senora's house. It is almost lunch time. Yum yum yum. Every day is a surprise.

I hope all is well. I haven't heard much from anyone on here lately, so drop me a line.

...and all of you people who said you would write me letters here are a bunch of liars! I have only received things from my own mother! LAAAAME!! :)

Love you all,



More photos and a lot of Morocco

Hello! I just returned from my trip to Morocco. And let me tell you, it was probably one of the most incredible experiences of my entire life. I don't even know if I can put it to words, and even though I didn't go into the trip expecting anything in particular, it was completely different than I could have imagined it to be.

The people of Morocco are so welcoming and warm, and I couldn't help but want to stay there when it came time for us to leave, despite my yearning to return to Granada, where things are familiar. I made some good friends both in other programs in Granada, Sevilla, and Madrid, as well as some Moroccans, who honestly said that if I ever return to Morocco, I will have a place to stay. And the most incredible part--they truly mean every word.

The most memorable part of the trip, except for, uh, everything, would be when a group of us walked around with two girls and this one guy started bashing Americans, and Bush, and the two Moroccan girls completely went off on him. They told him that just because Bush is the president of the US, doesn't mean that all American's love him, or support him, or are all the same. They completely stood up for us, even though we had only known them for maybe ten minutes. If not less. They truly and deeply cared for us just upon meeting us, which I think most Americans could not even fathom. Their lifestyle is just so much different from ours back home.

I have added more photos. So check-check it out! Included are: my journey on the back of a camel, the homestay family's home, and lots of beautiful scenery. Get excited!

I need to get moving to class. I love you all!



Oh Life...

Ay dios mio! Now that I am back in Granada, the craziness that was our trip to Germany has finally started to settle in. The pictures are up, so have a look-see, but beware, chaos ensues.

I was so so SO glad to return to Granada, even if the weather has cooled considerably since I left. At least it is still sunny and NOT rainy and cold (and here’s to hoping it stays that way!!) The only way I can possibly describe our adventures in Germany would be to tell them to imagine the craziest movie they’ve ever seen of a group of people traveling, and all of the ridiculous, crazy things that happen to them, unfortunate occurrences, etc. that all seem like they’re blowing things out of proportion, and don’t actually happen in real life: and then believe that Sara, Joanie, Susanne, and I lived it during this past week. I don’t think I will ever be the same again. Nor do I think that I need to be working on my FO at all anymore. I definitely got my flexibility on, and couldn’t turn it off, otherwise I would have snapped.

And trust me, I almost did. Though I think that mostly had to do with my being sick. Speaking of my tonsils…they magically are better, and I feel back to normal. How odd. Maybe it really was just the climate change, and the cold that was throwing me off. Who knows. Anything is possible.

We had our first “week” (meaning two days) of classes…and I absolutely love both my POE (writing and speaking), and Literatura de Siglo XX classes, but I am not so happy with my Civilizacion y Cultura Hispanoamericana class at all. I literally zoned out for the entire 2 hours, and really didn’t miss anything. Ah well.

My grammar class wasn't so bad today either. The professor reminds me a lot of a spanish version of Adam Sandler. And Joanie is in my class, so its nice to know someone for once. And I am not sure how my Islam class will be, but we shall see I guess, huh?

We finally booked tickets to go to Prague today. To be honest, I wasn’t so happy because instead of going Thursday-Sunday like I wanted, we have to go Friday-Monday so the tickets aren’t so expensive. They were 290 USD round-trip, which isn’t so bad I suppose, but I am kind of upset I need to miss classes. I am excited, though, because now our group has expanded to Sara and Chase too, along with me and Peter.

We are still on the lookout for tickets to Paris in November to meet Hallie and Brettsky, and maybe Annie will come if she wants to come too (YES PLEASE!!), and I know Sara wanted to come just to go to Paris and meet my friends, and Ana may just be flying with us because she just wants to go to France, and Chase wants to go to France too, and wants to go to London during the same trip. Madre mia! So much travel.

I am leaving to go on my Morocco trip tonight! Huzzah! We are taking the bus to Algeciras, and spending the night there since we have to meet up with the program at eight in the morning to take the boat across the Straight of Gibraltar to Tangier. I really cannot wait! It is going to be yet another experience of a lifetime. I will be sure to document accordingly (remember! Look at my photos from Germany—I split up the albums for easier perusing!) and post when I return. Never fear, I will not be gone long!

Oh life. What a hoot.

Much love,



Going Home Tomorrow

I officially cannot wait to go back to Granada tomorrow! Cannot. I mean, I liked Germany and Austria and everything, but I am so over being cold and wet and rained on. I really am. Its ridiculous.

So tomorrow we fly to Malaga, and then take the bus into Granada. Then classes start tomorrow, and I am kind of excited. I have my Latin American studies class and my 20th Century Spanish Lit class tomorrow. Huzzah!

But this is going to be short, and that is all. Hasta luego cuando estoy en Granada!



Death is Inevitable...

This trip in Germany has been completely insane. So many crazy things have happened, and the hits just keep on coming. I do not know if I will make it out alive. I may or may not be coming down with pneumonia because it is freezing cold and rainy here all the time, and there is no way to ever get the sleep that I need. It is awful.

Not to mention that the z and y keys are in the opposite spots on the keyboard and it is really bugging me because I never realized how much I actually use each letter. Its a really strange sensation.

I am now in Salzburg, Austria and let me tell you...I CANNOT WAIT to get on the train to Berlin tonight and sleep for the 10 hour train ride all night. I am exhausted. Today I think we are going to brave the ice caves, and maybe check out the Eagle's Nest (something to do with Hitler) and hopefully the whole day will be taken care of then. If I can even last that long.

I got one hour of sleep last night. One hour.

See, we have been winging this trip, as you all very well know. And every moment so far has been an adventure, and I will for sure remember this trip for the rest of my life. BUT! Apparently Austrians celebrate German holidays as well? Who knew! So we take the train from Munich to Salzburg, Austria on this said holiday. And there are no rooms ANYWHERE! None. Unless we want to pay 145€ for a double room.

As Patrick would say...Hell. To. The. No.


So we went out, had a few beers, and slept in the train station. No wait, let me re-phrase that. We "slept" in the train station. I probaby got an hours worth of sleep.

So today should be an interesting day.

However, we did run into this nice guy from England who lives and runs a hostel in Budapest who hung out with us last night and slept in the station with us because he too had nowhere to go. In fact, he is still here with us at the internet cafe.

Which, might I mention, is outrageously priced and 3€ for an hour.

Whatever, I need this time for myself.

And I guess the Bradley class schedules are up for the Spring, so I neeed to get cracking on that. Sick.

I almost want to book a flight home early. But who knows if I will.

I think this is all for now. Sorry its so depressing. No worries, its just been a rough night and will be a rough day. I hav honestly enjoyed everything up until now. And Oktoberfest was insane.




I am never going to get sleep ever.

It is really really late here (try after 3am!) and I just wanted to give you a quick update again before I do not have radio contact again until October 8th (did you catch that Apollo 13 reference??)

I am off to Munich and Oktoberfest tomorrow, so I better go get sleep. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves, where ever you are, because we sure are here in Germany. I watched two of my friends earn their Bierdiplom's (meaning they drank 3 liters of beer over the course of 2 hours and in all, tried 10 different kinds!) and now we are off to be hooligans for a day and night in Munich.

It worries me that we dont have a hostel or anything planned still, but I am working on my FO afterall, aren't I? (According to this survey we took, I need to work on my flexibility/openness...being like able to wing things and not get stressed out and need things really organized, so hence FO...and look where it has taken me!)

This trip has been amazing so far, and I am sure there are a LOT of more adventures in store for us the rest of the week. I cannot wait!





I am currently using my friend Joanie's friend Mackenzie's computer right now to use the internet but I just wanted to check in and say hello because I AM IN GERMANY RIGHT NOWWWW!!

...that is where the Wahl clan comes from, afterall. :)

It is rainy and way colder here than in Granada, that's for sure. I was expecting that, though. Coming here on the bus from Frankfurt (Hanh)...NOT the usual frankfurt airport...long story, it was betweek 9 and 12 degrees Centigrade. Lets hope it is sunnier tomorrow!

I like it here though. Its night to be out of a big city for a little while, especially after Madrid. I loved Madrid, though, and I PROMISE once I get back, I will post more photos.

...even if there are already a billion.

Anywho, its definitely bed time after 12 hours of traveling...a glass of whine, a bottle of beer, and a cider at the Irish pub near the campus here. Eek. So buenas noches, and maybe you will hear from me again soon!