
Turkey(less) Day, (fake) Black Friday, and the best Tapas I've had

Oh, hello there! :)

Now that the festivities and I am stuck doing my homework and starting my study ventures for finals, I thought this would be the perfect time to update about Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and yesterday! Oh the life of procrastination. It has followed me, even here. Oops.

My program had Thanksgiving dinner up in the Albycin and this really wonderful restaurant, whose name I do not recall. We had a delicious 6 course meal of the following:

1: Salad and fruit (there will be a picture of this when I put the pictures up!). There was a weird vinegar drizzle over everything, which made the kiwi taste absolutely awful but that's alright. The rest of the fruit was delicious and very welcome.

2: Assorted meats and cheese, like chorizo, which some people made sandwiches out of, haha. It was normal tapa food.

3: Bring on the fried fishies and shrimp. There was shrimp (which were delicious), medusa (I was not even aware this was a real kind of fish), anchovies (I didn't partake, I am sick of them by now. Thanks Senora!), and some other thick fish I do not know the name of that you need to prepare with lemon juice and cut into chunks because it is fried. It was my favorite out of all the fishies.

4: Ham croquetas and pasta salad. The pasta salad had zero taste at all, but the croquetas were absolutely delicious. I have only ever had chicken and beef croquetas at my senora's house, so this was a nice change. I still like the chicken ones best, however.

5: The main meal. Instead of your proverbial turkey-filled Thanksgiving meal, we had, uh. Pork chops. Yes, pork chops. For those of you who know me well, you know the problem with this, and for those of you who don't...well, I abhor pork chops. Absolutely. But I ate them. Pork chops with a Marsala glaze and 2 raisins, and french fries instead of turkey and mashed potatoes. Who knew?

6: Dessert (is stressed spelled backwards...)! We had this flan-type dessert, which was the best flan I have ever had in my ENTIRE life. It was so delicious, and it wasn't really bitter on the bottom like it usually is. I was so full at this point, but I made room because there was just no other option!

And then we also could have water, wine, beer, and pop with our meals. It was a wonderful time, and then afterwards our program directors took us out with them to this nice bar called Gustav near Plaza Nueva. It was so much fun.

Then came Black Friday. In the true spirit of the craziness going on in the states, Anne and I spent the day wandering around in shops and doing some shopping. No shoving was involved, thank goodness, but now I have all of my Christmas shopping done! Hooray! Well, close. I have one or two things left to get, but I am waiting until later to see if somehow the prices go down, and if not, well, I will re-evaluate. :) But I got a wonderful new winter jacket from Mango, as well as a sweater, and a sweater dress from Zara for myself. And the a bunch of stuff for everyone else. I spent too much money, but it was worth it.

Last night Anna, Peter, Sara, Ben, Tanya and I went to this tapa bar called Poe (with the umlaut over the e) and they had the most wonderful tapas ever! They actually had some spice! We spent quite a bit of time there enjoying ourselves, and then headed to this bar called (feel free to laugh, I did) L'Escandolo and it was actually really nice and fun. After getting a call from Becky and Shay, we left to go meet up with them at Hannigans, but then left shortly after that because we were tired and it was late. It was raining the entire walk home, and I think I had more water in my shoes than not. It was gross.

Now I am here wasting time instead of doing homework, even though I really should. I will, but right now, no.

But that's all I've got, so yeah. Have a wonderful dayyyy! Hasta pronto (en 18 dias!)!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

False! "Dessert" is not "stressed" spelled backwards. "Desserts" is "stressed" spelled backwards. Bears, beets, Battle Star Galactica.
