
Return to Granada, Once Again.

So. I have returned from a weekend in Paris. It is my second time ever being there, and I loved it just as much as the first time. This is a good sign. However, I now really wish that I could speak French, but alas! I cannot.

We spent two completely packed days seeing as much as we could. In Peter's words, we "took Paris by storm." Love it. It was quite the journey, I must say.

On Thursday, my Grammar class (which usually lets out 10 minutes early) was let out 5 minutes late, and then I had a heck of a time getting home quickly. So then we needed to take the bus to the bus station. We didn't have tickets for the bus yet, and we missed the 1:30 bus by minutes, and then had to buy tickets for the 2:00 "Supra" bus to Madrid (it's like flying first class in a plane...I swear!) that makes no stops, but costs 32 euro a person. But we got there in one piece. Then we needed to take the Metro to the airport terminal, and we didn't look at our tickets, and went to the wrong terminal (my bad!) and then had to take the Metro BACK to Terminal 1. It was a good thing we already had our tickets already printed out, because my the time we ran (literally) past the check in counters, they were already all closed. Then we proceeded to speed through security, and made it to the gate, only to find everyone still standing there. Thank God. So we made it to Paris, a little more exercised than before, but in one piece. And thank you Peter for not killing me. I like to keep things exciting...

Then when we arrived at the hostel, we found we had a lovely amigo staying in the 6th bed in the room. He was so grumpy and kept yelling at us for things, including Hallie finding a fork and butter knife in her bed (thanks to Justin!). He even had the nerve to ask us if we thought the room was a playground...which obviously it is not but we were being just normal people in their hostel room. Nothing extreme.

And then he proceeded to snore allllll night long. It was awful! Good lord, it was projecting everywhere, and I thought for a minute it was Anne! But it was not, obviously. We really could have done without him, but thankfully he was out before the sun came up, and we only needed to sleep.

We moved to our new home: "Grand Hotel Magenta", which would lend you to believe it is a classy, high end hotel, but really. Budget hotel to the extreme. The beds were bowed in the middle!! That proved to be great for the back at night. :)

We went on the Free Walking Tour of Paris (like the one I took in Munich and Berlin...) and it took almost four hours, but it was wonderful. And our guide was so energetic, Peter was convinced he was on crack. And Hallie was in love. And Justin, Anne and I were just along for the ride. After that finished, we met up with Brett (!!!!) at the Louvre because it was FREE for people under 26 that night until 9:45. Hooray! Then we ate some dinner, and went to bed.

The next day we were up and out the door by like 9:15/9:30 and went up to Montmarte to see the Sacre Coeur and Moulin Rouge, after eating Crepes for breakfast (its the only way to do it, I have decided!). After that, we walked on down, and visited the Opera House where the Phantom of the Opera is supposed to take place. Then came lunch, and then going inside the Notre Dame. It was probably the most wonderful cathedral ever. I cannot even describe the caliber of beauty it holds. If you ever get the chance to go, GO! And I mean it.

Then we met up with Brett and with to the Musee d'Orsay, and I GOT TO SEE LOTS OF VAN GOUGH! It made me very happy. There are pictures of everything we did and saw while we were there, so no worries! They are now up! Hooray!

Now I am back in Granada, and the weather is actually beautiful again. It was up to 20 degrees centigrade again (about 60ish degrees)!!! I am happy to be back, but exhausted. Very exhausted. Midterms are this week, but I only have one on Thursday. The rest are next week, and I am not excited. You mean I have real school to attend to? I was not aware...

I got a letter from Brooke today (that I think came on Friday) with a coloring book page, and an actual letter!!! I was so so so excited! And I taped the coloring book page up on my wall...love it!

This weekend I am going to Barcelona with Anne and Sara! And then the weekend after that, to Seville and Cordoba with my program. Then I am done with traveling for the rest of the semester, which is a weird concept. Very weird. That means I am past the halfway mark, and closer to going home than not. I will be glad to go home, that is for sure, but I will be sad to leave here. I love it so much.

I better go home for dinner since it is already almost 8:30, and dinner is at 9. I have a good 20-25 minute walk ahead of me. Entonces, hasta luego!

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