

I woke up from my nap today to find that the internet connection I discovered last night (which also pooped out on me 15 minutes later...and could quite possibly poop out on me at any time) is back!

So I am using it here while I still can before I have to head back to school. The connection wavers every once in awhile, but is still relatively speedy, so we shall see.

I am in a very productive mood. Not productive in the way that I want to get lots of things done, but more so that I want to create things. Write things, to be more specific. I think it's thanks to reading Mairead's Blog and the essay and short stories she's recently published (I am a big fan!), but also from my literature class. It really makes me want to be one of those wonderful of yore (or at least be able to write as fantastically!) and when I sit down to do it...


It's highly frustrating.

But in other words...I have 22 days left here, and I have absolutely NO idea how I am going to get all of this stuff home. I know all of my toiletries (or well, most of them) will be gone and I have that weight to fill, and the extra I had coming here, but still. I think I will have one heavy carry on. Yikes.

Here's to hoping I can get everything back in one piece. Especially the breakables!

Speaking of going home...I think I found at least 2 people who are going back on the same flight to Madrid as I am! And I can share a cab with them so it isn't so expensive! Hooray!

I think that is all for now. I may have to start studying for finals soon...so if I go AWOL...that's why. But I do not think it will be a problem.

Mucho amor.

Oh!--Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow everyone!

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