
Now That I Have Eaten

This has been a way longer day than it should have ever been. But Granada is amazing, and I love it already!

So starting Friday (the 12th) I finished packing, and headed off to O'Hare airport with my padres. Once there they checked my bags all the way through to Granada, which was nice, got me my boarding passes, and then I actually had to carry my luggage to the belt to have them put it with the rest that was going on the plane! Who knew!

After getting though security, I got some lunch, met up with Sara (she goes to St. Ambrose, and I am rooming with her this evening) and then we went to the terminal to wait for our flight. in the midst of waiting, we somehow got on the subject of our flight from Madrid to Granada and realized that contrary to our belief...we were definitely NOT on the same flight to Granada as we previously thought. This is all like 15 minutes before we needed to board the plane, mind you. Oops.

So we go to the counter, and the woman tells us she needs to talk to her supervisor...so she does and is told she needs to talk to a different supervisor...and we get the run around until they tell us we need to call Iberia. So we do that. They tell us there are no more seats on that flight (my flight) at all (which I later found out was completely false, there totally were like 15 seats open...), and then we are told to try to ask them again once we arrive in Madrid.

So apparently it is a security risk to have someone go on an earlier flight, and come back later to pick up their baggage from a later flight. So that was the real reason Sara couldn't switch flights...but they never thought to tell us that.

My flight left Madrid at 11:50 and was only around 40 minutes (if that) to Granada. There ended up being quite a few other girls from my program on that flight, which was wonderful. One girl, Becky, decided to stay at the Granada airport with me the four hours i had to wait for Sara to get into Granada (which wouldn't have been until 5:00 p.m. ...when I had arrived at around 1:30 in the afternoon) because her roommate for the evening was coming on the same flight as Sara.

Needless to say we became very giddy from being so tired and hungry, and played so many two-player card games (Gin, Go Fish!, Golf, Crazy Eights, Super Happy Fun Game [which we made up and is awesome!!] just to name a few) inside the fort we made around our seats with our enormous amounts of luggage. It was great. :)

When they finally arrived, there were so many of them! Peter was on that flight too, and then we found out two girls had their luggage lost somewhere along the trek, so we waited with them before we got our cabs. The cab ride was, uhm, very speedy to say the least. But we got there for 27 Euro (split by two) and he did all the heavy lifting for us to get the luggage inside the hotel we're stay in.

Which, by the way, is so adorable. I will post pictures soon, I promise. Once i get enough to make it a worthwhile upload. :)

And then we got ready, after notifying everyone at home of our safe arrival, and went to a tapas bar. It was a lot of fun, and I stuffed myself silly with machengo(? I do not know how to spell it...its goat cheese!), spanish omlette, bread, this delicious wine and lemonade and seltzer water mix (it isn't gross like it may or may not sound!!), and mussels. Nom nom nom...

After we enjoyed our food, Sara and I came back, and we ended up talking to another guy from our program, named Azra (he's originally from LA), who is also staying at our hotel this evening. I think I am going to go to bed now.

Like seriously, NOW.

Much love.

1 comment:

Anne said...

you had tinto de verano! I love that stuff; it's so yummy!