
Happy Halloween from across the pond!

Hello hello.

I figured I would give you a regular update of how things are going. It's currently pouring rain--for somewhere that is supposed to be dry and desert-like, it sure is raining a lot lately!

We filled out our midterm program evaluations yesterday. We had to tell them what we thought about all of our teachers, and our host families. It was weird doing that for my host family because, even though I like them a lot, we do always get the same rotation of meals, and we even had this disgusting meal of thin sliced, raw ham and melon.

That's it.

The ham was so incredibly salty...it was awful! And my senora kept telling us to eat it with the melon, but that just made it taste worse! Yuck, yuck, yuck. I could really live without that meal ever again. That, and the gross cabbage and almond soup she makes far too often.

And I decided this morning that I hate weekend breakfasts because by then we are always out of the normal, delicious toast bread (which is like baguette bread, not the square kind at home), and instead I get these little cake things. It is just far too sweet to eat in the morning.

BUT! Enrique called Allison and I his "hijas de America" when his son popped in the other day, and it made me smile. I like it because, even though at first my host family seemed really stiff, and a lot of times Isabel seemed like she was scolding us, they are warming up a lot more. Isabel is just a spunky 75 year old woman, and she really never was doing any scolding. I honestly hope I have have that much life in me still when I am her age. That would be amazing.

It's not so scary to try to communicate with them either anymore. They're really patient, and do correct us if we make mistakes, which is helpful.

It's hard to believe we are already half way through the semester. I only have a month and a half left here. How did this happen?? Where did the time go?

I will never know.

I am so happy because I got mail from my parents AND a card from Stephanie! Brooke also said she sent me a letter!! Hooray!

My trip to Paris is slowly approaching...I am super excited to see Brett and Hallie (for the second time!!!).

I really wish it would stop raining. But alas!

I watched Barack Obama's 30 minute infomercial yesterday, and for real guys, it made me tear up. I want him to be president so, so badly that I cannot even understand how anyone could not think that he would be the best decision for our nation's future. Mairead really pinpointed my sentiment in her blog, and you can go read it here. If McCain is elected, I will never forgive the American public. Never.

And you have my word on that.

The number of un-sent, un-opened absentee ballots sitting in the mailboxes here upsets me. But what can you do? American's are notoriously politically apathetic.

In other news--I have gotten some major gift shopping out of the way! I only have 3 or 4 people left, which considering the list, is quite impressive! Hooray hurrah!

I better get a move on. Hasta pronto.

1 comment:

Mairead said...

Melon and ham, eh? We'll have to get you another Backstory brownie when you're back!