
Prague, how I love you...

So this weekend, I traveled to Prague with Peter, Chase, and Chris, and met up with Hallie and her friends a couple times, and Justin even graced us with his presence! And can I just say, that city is absolutely amazing! Its probably one of the most beautiful places I have ever been, and I am sure that when I return to the United States, I will look at the industrial-look of Chicago, and be like "ew, gross" no matter how much I love the city. It just isn't the same. It was wonderful, yet cold, AND NO RAIN FOLLOWED ME!

I am putting pictures up as we speak, if you don't believe me. :)

The first night we were there, we went to the hostel that Justin suggested, and lo and behold, there were no rooms available for us, and Peter had not made any sort of reservation, and I thought to myself, "Oh God...not a repeat of Germany, please!!" But the man at the desk called another hostel for us, and we ended up staying at a pretty cheap place, that was actually really, really nice. We met up with Hallie and her friends Stephanie (who goes to Bradley too) on Charles Bridge, and then just went to a bar and hung out for awhile.

The next day, the boys and I attempted to go to the Jewish cemetery (not realizing that DUH it would be closed on Saturday) and then proceeded to walk around Old Town, and then hiked up to Praha Hrad (or Prague Castle). We were highly disappointed in the fact that the castle itself was closed for 3 days (and we were only going to be there for 3 days!!) and the Powder Tower was closed too somehow, so our little visit was not only short, but also highly unsatisfying for the amount of money we had to pay to get in.

After that, we walked around a bit more, headed back to the hostel, siesta'd, and then went bar hopping again, where I stole yet another beer stein (huzzah!!) and then we called it a night.

Sunday we hopped on the train and headed to Karlstejn castle, which was about 45 minutes outside of the city. Oh my goodness, this castle was amazing, as well as the countryside surrounding it. We weren't allowed to take photos inside the castle, but the grounds were beautiful! When we got back, we went to try to go to the Jewish Cemetery again, but alas! They were closing in 20 minutes. Just our luck. So we went back to the hostel, napped, and then proceeded to eat Chinese Food for the second night in a row. It was delicious, if you must know.

We were on our way to meet Hallie in Old Town Square, when we heard some whistling at us. My reaction, thanks to Spanish men, is to avoid at all costs, but when Peter looked over, Justin was sitting on the curb, waiting for us! I guess he got bumped from his plane so he couldn't meet us the day before like he had originally planned, and yet we somehow found him! It was incredible.

Then we all met up with Hallie and the people from her program, and went to this jazz club. After that, we smuggled Justin and his ENORMOUS backpack into our hostel, and then conked out. In the morning, we tried ONE LAST TIME to get into the Jewish Cemetery (thinking it would only cost 40 crowns)...but it cost over 200 crowns, so we called it a day, and wandered and shopped instead.

Then came the next 13 hours of traveling on metro, bus, and plane for, uh...13 hours. It was gross, and we got home at 12:30 in the morning, but it was definitely worth it.

I finally voted and I am so excited for the election oh my goodness! And I got two letter from my padres, and a package of goodies! Hooray! So all you people who said you would write...hop to it!! :)

I need to go read and go to my Tutorial. I love you all!

Hasta pronto,


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