

I am currently using my friend Joanie's friend Mackenzie's computer right now to use the internet but I just wanted to check in and say hello because I AM IN GERMANY RIGHT NOWWWW!!

...that is where the Wahl clan comes from, afterall. :)

It is rainy and way colder here than in Granada, that's for sure. I was expecting that, though. Coming here on the bus from Frankfurt (Hanh)...NOT the usual frankfurt airport...long story, it was betweek 9 and 12 degrees Centigrade. Lets hope it is sunnier tomorrow!

I like it here though. Its night to be out of a big city for a little while, especially after Madrid. I loved Madrid, though, and I PROMISE once I get back, I will post more photos.

...even if there are already a billion.

Anywho, its definitely bed time after 12 hours of traveling...a glass of whine, a bottle of beer, and a cider at the Irish pub near the campus here. Eek. So buenas noches, and maybe you will hear from me again soon!

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