
Turkey(less) Day, (fake) Black Friday, and the best Tapas I've had

Oh, hello there! :)

Now that the festivities and I am stuck doing my homework and starting my study ventures for finals, I thought this would be the perfect time to update about Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and yesterday! Oh the life of procrastination. It has followed me, even here. Oops.

My program had Thanksgiving dinner up in the Albycin and this really wonderful restaurant, whose name I do not recall. We had a delicious 6 course meal of the following:

1: Salad and fruit (there will be a picture of this when I put the pictures up!). There was a weird vinegar drizzle over everything, which made the kiwi taste absolutely awful but that's alright. The rest of the fruit was delicious and very welcome.

2: Assorted meats and cheese, like chorizo, which some people made sandwiches out of, haha. It was normal tapa food.

3: Bring on the fried fishies and shrimp. There was shrimp (which were delicious), medusa (I was not even aware this was a real kind of fish), anchovies (I didn't partake, I am sick of them by now. Thanks Senora!), and some other thick fish I do not know the name of that you need to prepare with lemon juice and cut into chunks because it is fried. It was my favorite out of all the fishies.

4: Ham croquetas and pasta salad. The pasta salad had zero taste at all, but the croquetas were absolutely delicious. I have only ever had chicken and beef croquetas at my senora's house, so this was a nice change. I still like the chicken ones best, however.

5: The main meal. Instead of your proverbial turkey-filled Thanksgiving meal, we had, uh. Pork chops. Yes, pork chops. For those of you who know me well, you know the problem with this, and for those of you who don't...well, I abhor pork chops. Absolutely. But I ate them. Pork chops with a Marsala glaze and 2 raisins, and french fries instead of turkey and mashed potatoes. Who knew?

6: Dessert (is stressed spelled backwards...)! We had this flan-type dessert, which was the best flan I have ever had in my ENTIRE life. It was so delicious, and it wasn't really bitter on the bottom like it usually is. I was so full at this point, but I made room because there was just no other option!

And then we also could have water, wine, beer, and pop with our meals. It was a wonderful time, and then afterwards our program directors took us out with them to this nice bar called Gustav near Plaza Nueva. It was so much fun.

Then came Black Friday. In the true spirit of the craziness going on in the states, Anne and I spent the day wandering around in shops and doing some shopping. No shoving was involved, thank goodness, but now I have all of my Christmas shopping done! Hooray! Well, close. I have one or two things left to get, but I am waiting until later to see if somehow the prices go down, and if not, well, I will re-evaluate. :) But I got a wonderful new winter jacket from Mango, as well as a sweater, and a sweater dress from Zara for myself. And the a bunch of stuff for everyone else. I spent too much money, but it was worth it.

Last night Anna, Peter, Sara, Ben, Tanya and I went to this tapa bar called Poe (with the umlaut over the e) and they had the most wonderful tapas ever! They actually had some spice! We spent quite a bit of time there enjoying ourselves, and then headed to this bar called (feel free to laugh, I did) L'Escandolo and it was actually really nice and fun. After getting a call from Becky and Shay, we left to go meet up with them at Hannigans, but then left shortly after that because we were tired and it was late. It was raining the entire walk home, and I think I had more water in my shoes than not. It was gross.

Now I am here wasting time instead of doing homework, even though I really should. I will, but right now, no.

But that's all I've got, so yeah. Have a wonderful dayyyy! Hasta pronto (en 18 dias!)!!!



I woke up from my nap today to find that the internet connection I discovered last night (which also pooped out on me 15 minutes later...and could quite possibly poop out on me at any time) is back!

So I am using it here while I still can before I have to head back to school. The connection wavers every once in awhile, but is still relatively speedy, so we shall see.

I am in a very productive mood. Not productive in the way that I want to get lots of things done, but more so that I want to create things. Write things, to be more specific. I think it's thanks to reading Mairead's Blog and the essay and short stories she's recently published (I am a big fan!), but also from my literature class. It really makes me want to be one of those wonderful of yore (or at least be able to write as fantastically!) and when I sit down to do it...


It's highly frustrating.

But in other words...I have 22 days left here, and I have absolutely NO idea how I am going to get all of this stuff home. I know all of my toiletries (or well, most of them) will be gone and I have that weight to fill, and the extra I had coming here, but still. I think I will have one heavy carry on. Yikes.

Here's to hoping I can get everything back in one piece. Especially the breakables!

Speaking of going home...I think I found at least 2 people who are going back on the same flight to Madrid as I am! And I can share a cab with them so it isn't so expensive! Hooray!

I think that is all for now. I may have to start studying for finals soon...so if I go AWOL...that's why. But I do not think it will be a problem.

Mucho amor.

Oh!--Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow everyone!


The excitement continues

So the other day I posted about how there was a cockroach in my room.


I guess my Senora did not locate the bugger like she said she would. And, well.

I found it.

I picked up a stack of papers that had been on the floor, and bloop. There he was, dead, sitting next to me on my bed! I shouted, ran out of my room into the living room where my host family was sitting watching television (as always!) and they asked what was wrong, and I explained. My Senora then went to the kitchen and returned with a broom and a dustpan, and scooped him up, and then insisted on getting me a new comforter for my bed, which she did, and then that was that.

And then a pigeon almost flew into me on my walk back to school. Had I not ducked...well, it would have been a bad situation.

I hate birds.


This weekend I was in Sevilla and Cordoba. I love love LOVED Sevilla. It was very charming, and beautiful, but somehow it had more of a big city feel than I found even Barcelona had. I don't exactly know why. Maybe it was because the streets were more what I am used to at home, and not the dark, winding roads of Granada. They certainly did wind, though, because we got lost a lot! Even with a map!

Cordoba was what I was expecting it to be. I have always been told that it isn't anything too exciting, and it really wasn't. The mosque was beautiful, sure, but there wasn't much outside of that to keep us occupied.

But, just like always, there are new pictures up.

I even have pictures up from my class trip to San Jeronimo on Friday.

Not much else is new. I only have 24 days until I come home.

Too weird.


Back in Granada, again.

I am so exhausted. Just got back from Sevilla. Will write more tomorrow.


I am going to vomit...

I just took my Islam midterm, and I think I did well! Yay hooray!!

But in other news, there was a COCKROACH scuttling around in our room this morning. I am so disgusted. Ew ew ew I do not think I will sleep again.

I came back into my room after brushing my teeth, and there he was, sitting next to my bed in all his nasty, cockroach glory. I told my roommate as I ran out of the room to tell my senora. I found her in the kitchen merrily fixing us breakfast (coffee, and toast oh boy!) and told her what literally translates as "there is a bug in the corner of our room." She looked and me and confirmed that it was in my room and not in the bathroom (where, she told us later, they usually show up, if ever), and followed me back to my room.

As she approached the corner, and told me she didn't see it anywhere. It had crawled behind the box, and I told her that. So (in Spanish, of course) she said, "Wait! I need to get my bug spray!" and ran out of the room and returned with a spray can that had to be at least 17 inches long and popped the lid off. She approached the corner, can at the ready and shoved the box to the side. Nothing. Then she shoved my books to the side. Nothing. So she shoved my folders over and SURPRISE! There he was, and he was not happy. He began hissing at her a little bit and began to scurry away as she sprayed him with as much cockroach repellent as she could muster.

My 76 year old Senora was hipchecking tables, beds, and chairs out of the way to chase it around and kill it. Then he disappeared.

My roommate and I proceeded to continue getting ready for class after she told us that even though he was missing, he would die because of the spray, and she would spray our room again and let it sit, and then clean and put our room back together for us before we got home tonight.

Here's to hoping my senora gets the bugger and all of his other minions!



Algo poco raro...

Hola hola! I have returned from the marvelous city of Barcelona. Let me just tell you—it was probably the best city I have been to in Spain so far. Madrid was fun, Ronda was, well, BORING, Malaga was fine but nothing too extraordinary, Almunecar was the beach (so obviously beautiful, but not like Barcelona), Algeciras was creeptastic, and I have yet to visit Sevilla or Cordoba (that’s next weekend!) so they cannot be counted. Cataluña definitely is its own separate entity from the rest of Spain. Not only do they speak their own dialect of Spanish (Catalan), which is not even CLOSE to the Castellano Spanish that I have been learning since 8th grade, but their lifestyle is far different from the relaxed, warm lifestyle in Andalucia. No matter, the trip was wonderful, and I would’ve loved to spend more time there, but alas!

As always, I am going to remind you that I also have put up pictures from this trip, so go check them out! I know, I know, there are an obscene amount (more than usual, actually), BUT you should all be excited because there are some photos with actual PEOPLE in them (being me, Anne and Sara, mostly)!! This is a remarkable event for me, I know. But never fear, my usual scenery shots are there too. I hope you like them.

The trip itself was filled with one wonderful experience after another, all the while throwing in the usual snoring suspects (I cannot travel anywhere without them!!). We took a free walking tour of the Gothic Quarter on Friday morning with a girl named Claudia from Australia who was actually a guide in training because our real guide ditched and didn't show up. We got to see many cool places, including where Picasso's father taught, and learned that the Gothic Quarter didn't have electricity or running water until 1992 when they had to gear up for the Olympics! how crazy!

We also got to see many of Gaudi's beautiful creations, like the Sagrada Familia, Casa Batllo, Park Guell, and his own house. We even took a cooking class to learn houw to make Sangria and Paella! So if you ever want me to cook for you...let me know! :)

I really wish I had more time to spend there because the weekend just didn't seem like enough. Now that I am back, I am glad to be back, as always, but you know how it goes...Next weekend is my last weekend of travel. My program is going to Sevilla and Cordoba, and I am very excited even though I have heard mixed reviews of Cordoba. It's weird to think that tomorrow I have exactly one month left before I head back to the States. I am ready, but at the same time, I and definitely not ready!! I do not want to go through culture shock again once I get home.

Not to mention is will be ungodly cold in Illinois. It's already snowing, I'm told. Yuck. I would much rather stay here in the 60 degree weather. With warm sun.

BUT! The "algo poco raro" (something kind of weird that happened today was that the television in my host family's house isn't working. Now, that doesn't seem like the biggest of deals to most, but let me tell you...everything, everything is centered around that television. We watch it during lunch and dinner, and then my host family watches all afternoon, and all night until they go to sleep. My host father was absolutely furious, and I found it remarkable how mad it made him. He almost was to the point of pouting, and I just found it very interesting. We ate lunch in complete silence, and it was so uncomfortable.

Here's to hoping that it gets fixed. Keep your fingers crossed, otherwise tonight's dinner could be just ass bad, or worse. Eep!

I got a letter from Lexie today, too, which was amazing. Included was one for Peter as well, and it made me very happy. So thank you (in the event that you read this!!)

But yes, I should head back for dinner time. Besitos a todos!


Going to Barcelona this Weekend!!

...is anybody out there? Nadie ha dicho ¡hola! a mi por mucho tiempo...
(Nobody has said Hello! to me in a long time...)



Okay, so I meant to write about this before I left for Paris, but that's life. Our Tutorial (and Granada Seminar, and Phonetics) professor, Jose, told us about this lovely singer called "La Terremoto de Alcorcon" (con accento sobre la o). I am just putting up one of the fabulous examples he gave us...but please, feel free to watch as much of her stuff on YouTube as you can handle (which, trust me, won't be much).

So without further ado:


Return to Granada, Once Again.

So. I have returned from a weekend in Paris. It is my second time ever being there, and I loved it just as much as the first time. This is a good sign. However, I now really wish that I could speak French, but alas! I cannot.

We spent two completely packed days seeing as much as we could. In Peter's words, we "took Paris by storm." Love it. It was quite the journey, I must say.

On Thursday, my Grammar class (which usually lets out 10 minutes early) was let out 5 minutes late, and then I had a heck of a time getting home quickly. So then we needed to take the bus to the bus station. We didn't have tickets for the bus yet, and we missed the 1:30 bus by minutes, and then had to buy tickets for the 2:00 "Supra" bus to Madrid (it's like flying first class in a plane...I swear!) that makes no stops, but costs 32 euro a person. But we got there in one piece. Then we needed to take the Metro to the airport terminal, and we didn't look at our tickets, and went to the wrong terminal (my bad!) and then had to take the Metro BACK to Terminal 1. It was a good thing we already had our tickets already printed out, because my the time we ran (literally) past the check in counters, they were already all closed. Then we proceeded to speed through security, and made it to the gate, only to find everyone still standing there. Thank God. So we made it to Paris, a little more exercised than before, but in one piece. And thank you Peter for not killing me. I like to keep things exciting...

Then when we arrived at the hostel, we found we had a lovely amigo staying in the 6th bed in the room. He was so grumpy and kept yelling at us for things, including Hallie finding a fork and butter knife in her bed (thanks to Justin!). He even had the nerve to ask us if we thought the room was a playground...which obviously it is not but we were being just normal people in their hostel room. Nothing extreme.

And then he proceeded to snore allllll night long. It was awful! Good lord, it was projecting everywhere, and I thought for a minute it was Anne! But it was not, obviously. We really could have done without him, but thankfully he was out before the sun came up, and we only needed to sleep.

We moved to our new home: "Grand Hotel Magenta", which would lend you to believe it is a classy, high end hotel, but really. Budget hotel to the extreme. The beds were bowed in the middle!! That proved to be great for the back at night. :)

We went on the Free Walking Tour of Paris (like the one I took in Munich and Berlin...) and it took almost four hours, but it was wonderful. And our guide was so energetic, Peter was convinced he was on crack. And Hallie was in love. And Justin, Anne and I were just along for the ride. After that finished, we met up with Brett (!!!!) at the Louvre because it was FREE for people under 26 that night until 9:45. Hooray! Then we ate some dinner, and went to bed.

The next day we were up and out the door by like 9:15/9:30 and went up to Montmarte to see the Sacre Coeur and Moulin Rouge, after eating Crepes for breakfast (its the only way to do it, I have decided!). After that, we walked on down, and visited the Opera House where the Phantom of the Opera is supposed to take place. Then came lunch, and then going inside the Notre Dame. It was probably the most wonderful cathedral ever. I cannot even describe the caliber of beauty it holds. If you ever get the chance to go, GO! And I mean it.

Then we met up with Brett and with to the Musee d'Orsay, and I GOT TO SEE LOTS OF VAN GOUGH! It made me very happy. There are pictures of everything we did and saw while we were there, so no worries! They are now up! Hooray!

Now I am back in Granada, and the weather is actually beautiful again. It was up to 20 degrees centigrade again (about 60ish degrees)!!! I am happy to be back, but exhausted. Very exhausted. Midterms are this week, but I only have one on Thursday. The rest are next week, and I am not excited. You mean I have real school to attend to? I was not aware...

I got a letter from Brooke today (that I think came on Friday) with a coloring book page, and an actual letter!!! I was so so so excited! And I taped the coloring book page up on my wall...love it!

This weekend I am going to Barcelona with Anne and Sara! And then the weekend after that, to Seville and Cordoba with my program. Then I am done with traveling for the rest of the semester, which is a weird concept. Very weird. That means I am past the halfway mark, and closer to going home than not. I will be glad to go home, that is for sure, but I will be sad to leave here. I love it so much.

I better go home for dinner since it is already almost 8:30, and dinner is at 9. I have a good 20-25 minute walk ahead of me. Entonces, hasta luego!


Another day, Another Blog Post

Yikes...I have a pinpoint headache that started right after our break between hour one and hour two of my Literatura Espanola del Siglo XX class. And I am intensely homesick today, for whatever reason. Ah well...it happens.

I don't know what really to write about at the moment--I posted some photos from Halloween, though more are to come as soon as I get them from Sara. Take a look!