
11 days to go and finals on the way...

Oy vey. I don't really want to do anything today...but I must! I have finals coming up (one this Thursday--Grammar, two on Monday--Lit and Latin America, and one of Tuesday--Islam) so I really need to get my butt in gear! Good thing there is nothing to do today since it is a holiday, and nothing is open, and it is Sunday anyway. But that's alright. I only have 11 more days. Yikes!

The trip I took to the Sierra Nevada's was excellent. I put pictures up, so go check them out! There aren't too many (less than 30) and there are other people in them! :) We took the 10:00 bus there, and it only took about an hour to get up there, though the way was really curvy and was making everyone sick. I feel asleep, as usual, but Anne woke me up when there were some cows eating grass in the snow on the side of the road! It was cool.

Once we got up there, we wandered around for awhile, and then went on this snow roller coaster type thing, which was hilarious. Anne had to hold my backpack in her lap when we were going and I had to control the breaks and accelerator! After that, we checked out the skating rink, but didn't skate because the rink was kind of really awful and needed a zamboni really badly.

Then we went up to the top of the mountain on the ski lift, and it was really beautiful. The entire place was really beautiful! But then Tanya, Anne, Sara and I wandered around for awhile, and then Tanya, Sara and I left Anne and the girls from her program up there to head back down and get something to eat.

We ended up taking the 6:30 bus home, and by the time we were leaving, the sun was going down and it was FREEZING cold. The rest of the day had been just fine...maybe a little chilly, but nothing too awful. I came back and was exhausted and ended up falling asleep on the bus, AGAIN!

I hadn't planned on going out last night because I was so tired, but Tanya and Bri talked me into it. We ended up checking out this one bar (called El Perro Andalus, after the Dali movie [which we watched in class the other day...]) that our friend Katie suggested. She said it was pretty cool, and the drinks were cheap. When we got there, we found out that it was one of those heavy-metal rock type bars, which had posters for bands like Ironmaiden and Megadeth on the ceiling and walls. It was interesting, and we definitely didn't fit in, but it was still fun. Then we went to a couple of other bars we had never been to and it was a good time.

So thus continues my long weekend. I should probably get going...but check out my pictures if you get a chance, and even drop me a line and say hello!


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