
Wouldn't it be nice if we could wake up in the morning when the day is new?

I am currently jamming out to the Beach Boys and it is glorious! Man how I have missed them. It definitely bring back memories of my childhood. :)

Pictures are up from Thanksgiving and all that jazz, if you want to look. There are only 19 photos or so, so don't get too excited.

I had an in-class essay tonight for my Latin American Civ and Culture class...but he let us use our notes, which was nice, but kind of weird. This was our "midterm" I guess, even though our final is in two weeks. Yikes, two weeks!? Where has the time gone?!

We watched The Motorcycle Diaries today with our program. I absolutely LOVE that movie, and Gael Garcia Burnal is absolutely gorgeous! I was pleasantly surprised how much of it I was able to pick up without any subtitles at all! :) That definitely makes me happy!

That's about all I've got from the homefront. Enrique is still in the pueblo and could be stuck there because it snowed up there. Other than that I only have (20 minutes til) 16 days left.

And I have officially started my advent calendar! Happy December everybody.

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