
When in doubt...make a list!

Today was the last day at my internship (sad!) and now I am really getting anxious. I want to pack, but there are a lot of little odds and ends that I need to get, and I don't want to start packing until then. And even if I did, I would put all the things I would want to pack in the guest room. HOWEVER, that room is going to be occupied this weekend by my extended family, so thus no packing for me just yet.

Since I cannot pack, I will make lists. What kinds of lists you ask? Currently I am working on the "To Do" list, and I have a "To Pack" list lying around here somewhere. I also have a "Music to add to the MP3 Player" list started, and think I need to make a "To Do When I Return" list, so I don't forget things by the time I come home.

All these lists make my brain hurt. I keep forgetting to put things on lists, and I keep thinking of a million other things I need to add all at once, and it has turned into quite the mumbo jumbo.

Yikes. Anne, if you're out there, would you mind sending me your lists as a comparison? Pretty please with sugar on top?!

I solemnly swear not to freak out or get super stressed before I leave.


Anne said...

haha, I love that you're making a list too! I'll see if I can find it and then I'll send it to you

Anonymous said...

Melissa, the perpetually organized young woman. would we expect anything less than a list????