
1 Suitcase Down, 1.5 to Go

I've done it.

I've completely finished packing my first suitcase, and I am proud to say, it weighs only 42 pounds! Hooray! My little carry on suitcase (the .5 of a suitcase, in case anyone was wondering at the post title) is almost packed too, but will not probably be complete until the morning before I leave. The other suitcase is waiting for last minute laundry, and a few odds and ends here and there (like all my electrical cords for my camera, MP3 player, and webcam, the plug adapter and the now-phantom voltage converter).

All of this packing is making me more excited to leave, and giving me a back ache. How rude. But seriously. I spend a good portion of the day bent over with my face buried in a suitcase, packing, and, lately, another good portion doing laundry, which includes schlepping laundry in and out of the washer and drier, folding and lugging up the stairs. I guess a back ache is a very plausible end to those means. Go figure.

I was very productive today, and everyone should be proud of me. I went to Target and got almost everything that I needed but didn't already have, returned my checked-out movie (King of California for anyone interested. It was very good!!) to Blockbuster, did about six loads of laundry, got my oil changed, went through the car wash, wrote a letter to Glenn, my friend studying in Cape Town, South Africa, wrote belated Thank-You notes for my birthday presents, figured out how to obtain my e-ticket for my flight, and watched The Family Stone. Phew! What a day.

And I did all that even though I woke up at 10:30 this morning, after turning my alarm off when it went off at 9:30. I really need to stop doing that.

So for tomorrow: Voltage Converter hunting, possible shopping with mother (?), copying my passport, visa, drivers license, and credit and debit cards, and something I know I am forgetting that my mother told me I was supposed to do with my father. I guess it wasn't that important?

I still cannot believe I leave on Friday, Friday, FRIDAY. That's two days from now. Yikes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Watch out with the voltage converters. Most of them only have a thing to put a two prong plug into. This should be fine for most things but some computers have 3 prongs.

My computer, cell phone, and hard drive all run on 240v so thats okay.

I don't know about hair dryers and straighteners. Good luck!